Trucking business plan is something every future fleet owner should have before starting his business. This guide will help you make your own trucking business plan and turn it into a profitable business.
It should be the first thing on your how to start a trucking company checklist.
Let’s presume you already came up with a name for the company, for the purpose of a better explanation we will call it Unlimited Trucking Services.
First, you will need a summary for your company, then 4 main segments broken down into details.
Summary of a trucking business plan
Unlimited Trucking Services is a Columbus, OH-based trucking company that has a goal to become one of the most recognizable and largest trucking companies in the USA.
The initial industry the company will be doing business in will be the construction industry.
Unlimited Trucking Services is focused on trucking transportation since it has the largest market share when it comes to transportation of goods.
For this trucking business plan example, Unlimited Trucking Services will have Flatbed trailers at its disposal for transportation of construction materials.
It will do business as a transportation provider for hire at the spot market and as a dedicated carrier for its clients.
Defining the core customers for your business is of utmost importance for your trucking business plan. Unlimited Trucking Services will aim to gain customers in the construction industry first.
It will aim to transport raw construction materials from importers to plants, finished construction material products from plants to construction companies and construction sites.
The second segment will be a catch-all principle on the spot market. Bidding with brokers for freight that is suitable for Flatbed trailers.
Unlimited Trucking Services is led by John Miller, an Owner Operator who’s been in the trucking industry for more than 10 years.
John finished high school and started his first trucking job as a company driver.
He was a company driver for 5 years when he decided to lease his truck. As of today, he’s an Owner Operator with his own authority for more than 5 years.
With more than 5 years of experience having his own authority and 10+ years total in the trucking industry, John thought he has enough knowledge to build his own fleet.
He will start small, and grow from there.
Since John doesn’t have a background in management but has plenty of experience to be able to dispatch himself, he will use Cloud 9 Safety and back-office services to cover everything for him.
Unlimited Trucking Services will have 3 segments of the marketing strategy.
The first segment is focusing on raising the awareness of the company’s existence and to attract new customers in the construction materials market.
The second segment is reserved for the spot market which will be managed by Cloud 9 dispatch team.
The third segment is to attract and retain experienced drivers for potential fleet expansion, which can be managed by Cloud 9 marketing team.
Forecast profitability is expected after 3 month period with gross sales for the first 12 months of around $100,000.00.
Unlimited Trucking Services is looking to triple the sales after the 3-year period.
Investment costs
When starting a small trucking company you’re looking at the investment from $6,000 to $15,000.
This amount should cover all the expenses including state-specific ones, vehicle down payment, permits, and insurance.
The funding can be acquired from various sources, using savings, bank loans, selling property, etc.
Final words
This is a rough example and summary of a trucking business plan. You can go into to smallest of details from lanes to specific rates.
But, for the guide to be as much universal as possible we leave that to you to set the rates according to the market at the time of writing your own business plan.
When you’re ready to start setting up the company, contact us, and we can help you go from there!