When you’re wondering how to start a trucking company, the name is one of the first things that comes to your mind.
Trucking company names can be difficult to come up with, and most of the truckers starting their own authority get stuck when they have to think of the name for their company.
To help you tackle this problem, we’ve come up with this article to give you a hand, and help you create the name you need!
Why is the name important?
While it’s not the most important thing when it comes to doing trucking business, the name of the company is the first thing a client will see.
The first impression is very important. While it might not be deciding, it sure will help if your potential customers like what your name represents, and serve as a tool to meet your business goals.
The name of the company represents you as a business owner and transport services you provide. It will be the first synonym and recognition for the company you’re about to start.
The clients have to like it, but you have to like it as well. This will be the name you will be writing thousands of times and your signature will go under it.
When picking trucking company names, owners have to like it 100%, because only then they will be glad to be represented by it and vice-versa.
You should be proud when someone uses the name of your company, it should be your creation that you can’t wait to show around!
Where to start when coming up with trucking company names?
Start from something safe, leave experimenting for later. Consult your business plan so you stay on topic.
Trucking business name ideas shouldn’t be rushed, take your time.
Don’t think too much about it, just come up with a couple of names, write them down, and leave them there for a while.
Focus on quality. Eliminate the names one by one, as you think more through, and find the flaws.
Think of it as something fun and interesting you have to do, don’t pressure yourself like it’s a job with a deadline.
Grab a piece of paper and a pen, sit somewhere outside where you like the environment. Fetch yourself your favorite beverage and start writing down the ideas.
If, for some reason, that doesn’t sound like a good idea to you, then explore words and phrases that are common and have a close connection with the trucking industry.
Let the words be synonyms for:
● Quality
● A short time of delivery
● Safety
● Reliability
● Affordability
Customers like when all of these criteria are met, so you should let them know from the start, right away when they see the name that your company is cost-effective and reliable for their business.
What to avoid?
This part is probably the most important one, knowing what kind of names to avoid. From the experience of the past users of our marketing services, we realize that this has to be mentioned.
Fresh company owners get all excited about the idea that could be fatal for their business before they even start.
It’s understandable, you’re treading in the waters you’ve never been to before, and you don’t know exactly how your clients will respond to the name you come up with.
First, and foremost, absolutely avoid movie names. If you’ve seen a trucking movie, and you loved it, it doesn’t mean it will be a good company name.
Why? Well, because it gives the impression that the company and you are not serious about doing business. Simply naming something after a movie might not end well for the business.
Also, don’t make it funny. I’m not saying that it shouldn’t be funny at all, but from the experience we had, it ends up being borderline or completely ridiculous for future clients.
Don’t make it vulgar either. Not even remotely vulgar like a synonym for something that someone may find vulgar, even if you think it’s funny.
Sure it can be funny and interesting to someone, but in the end, you should be doing business with serious clients that pay well. Focus on that.
A simple formula to use
To avoid confusion, and to make it less difficult for you to come up with a great name, try to follow a simple formula.
The name of your company should be:
● Short
● Recognizable
● Unique
● Serious
● Simple
If you follow these simple points, you should be in a good way of creating a name that will attract customers and encourage them to do business with you.
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What’s the next step?
When you’re finally happy with the name you came up with, it’s part for the second part of the branding process.
The second part is the company’s visual identity. And that’s a much different and harder task to do on your own. We strongly advise you to contact us about it, since visual identity is something that should be taken care of by professionals.
Creating a logo, choosing the right colors and lettering all have a strong impact on your company’s identity and is not something to be considered unimportant.
Company’s visual identity, just as trucking company names, is something that will present you to the world. It’s a common mistake that fresh company owners just take any logo and go with it.
Trucking company names can be a struggle, but after this little guide, hopefully, your headache is gone.
It’s an exciting period getting everything together and coming close to your own first company!
Enjoy the process, and if you at any time find yourself stuck and running out of time, contact us, and we will be done with it quickly!